My intention with this blog is to share my truths and to be open and honest with my thoughts and feelings...
I truly welcome your comments and feedback. I would ask you to be mindful of the fact that I am simply speaking from my heart and I would ask that people who choose to comment and join any discussions do the same.
My intent by sharing my story and reflections is to support others on their unique journey and to offer what I have learnt along the way.
I am more than happy to be challenged on anything that I might post but I would ask that you do it from a place of love as I will do with each of my blog posts....

All that leaves me to say, is that I am very much looking forward to connecting with you over the coming weeks and months.....

In love......

Saturday, 14 January 2012

Open Your Heart....

Love is what you feel within you, within your heart.... noone else can give you love or make you feel loved.... allow your heart to open and you will experience it fully and in all its beauty......
Following on from my last blog inviting you to truly fall in love this year, it gave me pause for thought to ask myself what love really is. It is deemed to be the highest of all vibrations, ie when we give love to something it has the power to change it on all levels. Many suggest that love is the sole reason for being here on planet earth, to experience it, to give it and to receive it. That a life without love is a life devoid of something, lacking in purpose or intensity.
So, what is love and how do we find it, how do we attain it in order to feel all of the amazing things that we are told we can feel?! I am sure that most of you reading this have felt it on some level, to a lesser or great degree.... but where did it come from?!
I stated in my last blog that "falling in love" for me this year, involved falling in love with that someone special, to fall in love with me and what I do and to love the work that I do. I also stated that it was about truly falling in love with life. How do I do that?! And how do you go about falling in love with that that you chose......
The answer is the same for all the above and for you, no matter what you chose. 
Falling in love with life for me involves more time spent in the beauty and wonder of nature. Paying attention and being in the moment. Falling in love with that someone special is for me about feeling love with another person to a depth that I may never have experienced before. Loving the work that I do is about working from a place of true passion for what I do. 
Striving to find love in these things will not bring it to me. Expecting the above to bring love into my life will not make it so. Love is not something that we can attain by trying to find it in something else or someone else. Just because someone tells you they love you does not mean that you can necessarily feel it. So if love cannot be attained in this manner, how do we experience it and how do we feel it?!
There is only one way, no matter how you wish to experience love in your life and that is by opening your own heart.
"Love is what you feel within you, within your heart.... noone else can give you love or make you feel loved.... allow your heart to open and you will experience it fully and in all its beauty......"
You can only experience love by feeling it within your own body. And the seat of love comes from having an open heart. This can feel threatening, disarming and make us feel incredibly vulnerable but it is through feeling all of these things that we can understand just how it feels to be in love. To be in love with ourselves, with nature, with other people, our lives, our jobs, our lifestyle. 
How do we open our hearts?! Set the intention within yourself that this is something you wish, desire to do. Feel the fears that arise and embrace them. Don't judge them or fight them. Accept them. Take a moment to sit quietly and focus on your breathing and take your attention to your heart space. Imagine your heart as a white light and imagine that light getter bigger and brighter and stronger and more powerful until you can imagine that light expanding outside of yourself and touching those around you and touching the world around you. Feel yourself connecting from your heart centre. The more time you take to expand and open your heart, the more aware you will become of those limiting beliefs that stop you from feeling love fully. Each time, allow the fear or limitation to rise and then simply acknowledge and let it go, without judgement. 
Open your hearts and you will feel love in a way that you have never experienced before, that I promise you. 
With an open heart, I wish you love
Nikola xx


Sunday, 1 January 2012

Falling in Love...

Welcome to 2012...
Wherever you are reading this... just take a breath and a moment to feel at peace, to feel harmonious and to trust in the year that is about to unfold. It has the potential to be an amazing and beautiful year.

May I make one suggestion to you to help you glide gracefully into January and beyond? 
Truly fall in love this year....

For different people this will mean different things. Love is the most transformative of all energies... when we feel love or give love to a person or place or situation, it has the ability to change it unimaginably. Think about situations or feelings that you would like to see transformed, be that on a personal or global scale and know that by giving love to yourself or to the situation, that it has the power to create definitive change. Share love in whatever way you can on a daily basis... that could be as simple as sharing a smile. A smile that comes from a place of true heart-centred love and appreciation. That could be sharing a smile with someone else or it could be smiling at something in nature that captures your attention and imagination.... 

For me, truly falling in love this year is about many things....
Truly falling in love with that special someone....
Truly falling in love with me, who I am and what I stand for....
Truly falling in love with the work that I do.....

And ultimately to truly fall in love with life.... I fully intend to open my heart up to life in a way that I have never done before and this both terrifies and excites me... for that in itself will bring its own challenges of letting go of past behaviours and beliefs but it will also open up a whole new world of limitless possibilities. 

To love is to be fully alive.....

What are you going to fall in love with this year?!

Your partner, in falling in love,
Nikola x