My intention with this blog is to share my truths and to be open and honest with my thoughts and feelings...
I truly welcome your comments and feedback. I would ask you to be mindful of the fact that I am simply speaking from my heart and I would ask that people who choose to comment and join any discussions do the same.
My intent by sharing my story and reflections is to support others on their unique journey and to offer what I have learnt along the way.
I am more than happy to be challenged on anything that I might post but I would ask that you do it from a place of love as I will do with each of my blog posts....

All that leaves me to say, is that I am very much looking forward to connecting with you over the coming weeks and months.....

In love......

Thursday, 30 May 2013

You are already everything.....

"Would that I could be all that I sense I am.....
Would that I could be all that I feel I am....
Would that I could be all that I know I am.... "

"But don't you see, my dear, you already are... and so much more besides"

Could it be that what I once knew without question or feign was the truth?! Could it be that the complexity is made up of all that is so simple to understand? Is it possible that I am coming to know now what I have always known, without fear, judgment or recourse.... Can it be that the answer was here all the time, not just within me but around me and through me and every piece a part of me and beyond?

Time is illusory.... I know not when I was first born into love, born of love... a part of love but I feel its seed inside of me, growing exponentially with every breath, with every heartbeat, with every desire to be more of love, a part of love, a part of me.

To look back on the course of one's life and to be able to smile incandescently at the up's, the down's, the high's, the low's.... no need for pithy anecdotal evidence. The drama's have all been superseded by the simple and most beautiful knowledge that all of life is the most precious gift. Within each wound is the gift of grace. Within each heartache, the gift of strength and power. Within each fall, the gift of a hand, an embrace, a heartbeat.

You see, I can't know any more now than I've always known.
The simplicity in this extraordinary knowledge is peace. No more. No less.

I see me.

I truly see me. Effervescent, light, angelic. Beautiful. No need to be special. I just am. A unique expression of a world so creatively balanced on a knife edge of all that is inextricably bound within our thoughts and our deeds.

You see me. I see you.
You see me. You see you.

The most true reflection. Being to being. Heart to heart.
As I place my hand on my heart so the world is a kaleidoscope of colours of every hue. Fragmenting and bouncing back to you the essence of your own heart.  Be still. Be true.

Profoundity from simplicity. You need know nothing else. You already know all there is to know. Be open and hear the music play upon the heart strings of your own song.

The Universe is a gift to you. Be grateful, be compassionate and see your world reflected there. It matters not your role or religion.... just another fractal of the whole. A kaleidoscope of all our dreams. Be mesmerised. Remember.

With love and blessings, always
Nikola xx

Friday, 24 May 2013

Are you ready to fully experience yourself....?!

So, as I dive deeper into a more intimate relationship with myself, I am ever more aware of the need and desire to be vulnerable, to be gentle and not to judge. As I dive deeper into an unparalleled understanding of the self, my self...I am increasingly aware of being met by some extraordinary energies. Both my own and the energies around me.

By diving into my vulnerability, I am getting to know my own innate power. The ying and yang, the push and pull, the complex and the simple. Authentic and true.... 

As I dive deeper into a more intimate relationship with myself, my mind, my body, my emotions, I am ever more conscious of my desire to serve humanity. I am increasingly aware that by seeking out my own vulnerability I have discovered my own power and the way that I currently wish to work with people. I say currently as I fundamentally believe that we are all like unfinished pieces of art or sculpture. We are creative works in progress, ever changing, ever evolving. 

Through diving into the depths of every nuance of my self, deep and lasting healing has taken place. How do I know this? There is a feeling of lightness of simply knowing. An inner smiling. 

The effectiveness is in the simplicity....
The results are in response to the desire....

Are you ready to fully experience your self? Your vulnerability and your power. Are you ready to open your heart and experience more sensations in your body? To be more aware. Are you ready to begin to heal? To feel lighter, to smile more. 

If you are interested in experiencing a session to fully experience yourself then why not send me a message.

In service and in love,
Nikola xxx

Friday, 10 May 2013

Dare to bare....

Never be afraid to be vulnerable....
In fact I positively urge you to be so.

It is in our ability to allow ourselves to be vulnerable that we can find our greatest power, our greatest wisdom and finally learn to trust in the complete package of who we are. 

The good, the bad, the ugly, the beautiful, the indifferent... they are all parts of you.
Your vulnerability will serve you if you allow yourself to sit with it.... no matter how uncomfortable that may feel.

Don't believe me, try it.

Watch the video.

Dare to bare...

"You are not everything you can be until you have dared to be vulnerable..." (c) Nikola King 2013

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Permission to have a "God Complex" and "Be Inappropriate".... Courtesy of JC.

So, this blog post will be a treat of a diversion from my usual posts (or will it?!). 
Dedicated simply to the "bigging up" of one individual.... aka Mr Jamie Catto.

As hinted at by the title of this blog, this unapologetic wittering is intended to let other people know of his genius and encourage them wholeheartedly to sign up to one of his workshops... my support of all things Jamie Catto can be neatly categorised by the simple fact that for two whole days I was given permission to have a God complex and vociferously encouraged to be inappropriate.... well, why wouldn't you?!

Given that Jamie's self confessed abhorrence towards "appropriate" people was voiced early on, I did wonder whether I shouldn't just grab my coat at this very early juncture and bid a hasty retreat. Danger is, you retreat back to whence you came and dont get to see and to feel all the annoyingly valuable insights about yourself throughout the rest of the weekend.

I was just going to have to get over the fact that I am the most appropriate person I know and literally get 'over myself.' So, here is a question for you? Where does being appropriate get you? 

I can honestly say that being of a sensitive nature, I go out of my way to ensure that I don't offend, upset, behave inappropriately with anyone. Where do you think that gets me? Intriguingly people find themselves feeling offended or upset or feeling like I have behaved inappopriately because I'm not always voicing my truth in those moments. 

So, I got to be rude over the weekend - suffice to say it needs a little more practice (having spent years dampening down this side of my personality) but ironically when I am rude, it commands more respect because I'm being more authentic. 

Learning how to say, "Fuck Off" (sorry, mum) from a place of love is liberating.... 

And, what you will get from Jamie is no holes barred love and support (just so long as you don't make any apologies for who you are)... 

We are multi faceted, multi personality, multi dimensional creatures. All that we are is quite amazing just so long as you embrace the good, the bad and the ugly about you. 

So, what's it really like spending time with Jamie Catto and friends....?! Have no expectations and you will gain everything. If you are ready to step into a space of authenticity, truth and an awareness that we are more than just a little bit 'crazy' around the edges then I would urge you to go and spend some time with him. 

Jamie is clearly passionate about the work that he does - that's why I find myself in this space supporting his work and wanting to share.... I have no attachment other than hoping that at some stage in the future Jamie will begin to find me a little less "appropriate".

Jamie Catto.... YOU ROCK!!! the wonderful world of JC and it is a wonderful world to be a small part of, not least because of the other awesome beings you are destined to meet.

As always, shared with love 
(and with this edition a generous helping of God complex and inappropriateness)

Nikola xx