Sunday morning, I was taken to a Movement Medicine class by my dear friend Sophie. There has been much resistance in me to dance again as an adult. I always knew myself as a dancer when I was growing up.... and then I stopped.
There are many reasons for this but suffice to say that going along to this class felt timely and necessary and a beautiful gift to my body and, therefore, there was resistance. The irony of resisting that which is good for us. Or perhaps the knowledge runs deeper, we know that it is going to open up a part of ourselves that we may, or may not be ready to come face to face with.
The space and dance was held beautifully by Sjanie in Worthing.
We began the dance by choosing a power card..... "DRIFT"
I was somewhat curious about this card and this was not a word or a sentiment that I use or have come across very often. My initial thought process took me to driftwood, something that my Nana used frequently in her flower arranging. It also had initial negative connotations. Being a drifter feels without direction and certainly without action. Perhaps it was time to understand that drifting can indeed be a powerful action. This was not for me to think through - I was to here to dance and to embody, 'Drift'. The dance was there to take me on the journey into what Drift would mean for me.
As the dance unfolded over the course of the two hours - it became very clear and the reason for sharing it in a blog is that it feels aligned with what is happening externally in the world right now with the impact of the Referendum on our states of equilibrium.
As I began to dance I was immediately taken out to the ocean and found myself imagining that I was riding the crest of the wave... how would it feel to be that wave?! What I realised through the dance is that sometimes we have to go right out to sea, to the very depths of the ocean to begin to truly know something, to see something or to feel something. At other times we are in the shallower waters, and it is necessary for us to see the more minute detail and to feel the stones beneath us.
To DRIFT with the tidal waves was to allow the water to hold me and whilst I was being buffeted around at times, so long as I did not resist, I flowed. My emotions were being stirred and my physical body was being stirred... I was being asked to flow with the emotions, to notice them but not to hold onto them. I was being asked to let go of the physical tightness in my body without trying too hard. Let the emotions drift in and out.
At times, there are stormy seas, and we are experiencing this deeply with the Referendum, not necessarily because of the result, but more so because of the unrest and hate and anger that it has incited. There is a push and a pull, at times it can be fierce and unyielding. Imagine how it would feel to observe. We will, of course, feel it at differing levels, yet without resistance to it, we have a chance to remain in connection with ourselves, with others and have a choice to keep flowing.
At others times, I felt a calm and a stillness in the dance aware that the sea can look incredibly calm at times. In these moments, we can feel grateful for the quiet, so that we can stop and listen more acutely - though I was also aware than even in stillness, we are always in motion, always in flow.
For in the stillness, the dance was still going on around me. I was a still part of the Universal dance but gave myself the chance to be more conscious of my body within it and my own internal processes. After I heard the result of the Referendum I remember walking outside in the early morning sunshine and feeling a stillness in the air around me. I also remembering musing that it would be timely for humanity to take a moment to "breathe" and to be still, to refrain from externalising all their feelings of anger, frustration, confusion. Tension begets tension. Anger begets anger. And sometimes these emotions need to be 'danced' but perhaps in a more conscious way?!
As I gave myself permission to dance fully, I became more of the dancer I used to know. I remembered how it felt to move and to be the dancer of my own life and I began to play at 'performing' my dance. As I did this I was aware of my energy and how I could choose to contain it, whether fierce or gentle, around others. I did not need to interrupt their flow and their dance but I could still be amongst them, still show up and be 'seen'. I needed only my own validation.
Perhaps there is a message in here too for people at this time. I sense we need to come home to our own emotions, be still with them, let go of resistance and be acutely aware of the impact that we have upon others. Fuelling the fires of tension simply fan the flames until the fire has no choice other than to become ever more fierce and destructive. Do we really need to destroy in order to create anew?!
Stillness is my power and my essence and I understood yesterday that sometimes to find that stillness we have to move, create, act. I would simply encourage people to come back to this place of stillness after so much frenetic activity to find and engage with their deeper truth and perhaps even, the deeper truth of the Universe.
My body was so grateful for the dance, the movement and my acknowledgement of it. I felt alive, sensuous, connected and fully present to my body and my sense of self. This is what this moment is calling for. My legs were playful, lighthearted, remembering the fun elements of life. Lets remember to play. My feet were grounded, present, aware of the ground and the underground, the network of life beneath my feet. There is so much in life to be in awe of, lets remember the simplicity of this at this time.
A blog about dance perhaps. A blog about humanity at this time, perhaps.
Find within it what you need to at this time.
With love always
My intention with this blog is to share my truths and to be open and honest with my thoughts and feelings...
I truly welcome your comments and feedback. I would ask you to be mindful of the fact that I am simply speaking from my heart and I would ask that people who choose to comment and join any discussions do the same.
My intent by sharing my story and reflections is to support others on their unique journey and to offer what I have learnt along the way.
I am more than happy to be challenged on anything that I might post but I would ask that you do it from a place of love as I will do with each of my blog posts....
All that leaves me to say, is that I am very much looking forward to connecting with you over the coming weeks and months.....
In love......
I truly welcome your comments and feedback. I would ask you to be mindful of the fact that I am simply speaking from my heart and I would ask that people who choose to comment and join any discussions do the same.
My intent by sharing my story and reflections is to support others on their unique journey and to offer what I have learnt along the way.
I am more than happy to be challenged on anything that I might post but I would ask that you do it from a place of love as I will do with each of my blog posts....
All that leaves me to say, is that I am very much looking forward to connecting with you over the coming weeks and months.....
In love......