My intention with this blog is to share my truths and to be open and honest with my thoughts and feelings...
I truly welcome your comments and feedback. I would ask you to be mindful of the fact that I am simply speaking from my heart and I would ask that people who choose to comment and join any discussions do the same.
My intent by sharing my story and reflections is to support others on their unique journey and to offer what I have learnt along the way.
I am more than happy to be challenged on anything that I might post but I would ask that you do it from a place of love as I will do with each of my blog posts....

All that leaves me to say, is that I am very much looking forward to connecting with you over the coming weeks and months.....

In love......

Thursday, 28 July 2016

What are you holding in your Heart, that wishes to be expressed?!

Dance like noone is watching.....
Trouble is, all I wanted as a child was for someone to watch me.
What one thing would you love to do that you are not doing or have not given yourself permission to do - maybe for years?!
What one thing would you simply love to do but it scares you?!
What one thing would give you so much joy, even if in private, and yet you don't allow yourself because it has been locked away?!
As a child out of the womb through to 11 years of age I danced, every possible dance you could think of..... ballet, latin, tap, ballroom, rock.... I wanted to perform, to be on stage, to be 'seen'... 
I locked it away for 30 years. 
Part of the journey of building this business is that I have been asked to fully get into my body.... to move, to work with it.... to dance with it. Ive been asked to be fully present here on the earth plane. And so I've given myself permission to dance again. Tonight I danced for an hour in my living room, in private, to Country Music. Yes, I gave myself permission to dance to the music my heart craves..... my body, my heart, my mind, my soul so grateful. 
Every part of our lives impacts every other part of our life. My business is asking me to respect and own my body. I can't build it without doing so..... surprises at every corner and not always easy. In fact this was deeply uncomfortable when I began a few weeks ago and now Im craving more. 
Listen. Act. Breathe. Trust...... Grace.

The Art of Heart in Business.......

I sat with a male friend yesterday exploring business plans and structures. I specify that it was a male friend, simply because I knew that I wanted a more logical brain to help push my boundaries.

One of the things that I have become increasingly aware of as I explore creating Infinite Essence is that I am building this business within a new paradigm. I am one of many women who realise that they cannot create using masculine principles or energy. This may seem obvious. We are not men. And yet, we have been trying to build business from this place for a long time, with varying degrees of success. 

Whilst my business has a particular focus, it also became self evident yesterday that one of the other extremely important pieces of this puzzle, is that I desire strongly to inspire other women to know and to trust that they can build their business from the space of their Heart too. 

On one level, I have absolutely no idea what I am doing. I have never done this before. On another level, I know with absolute certainty what I am doing because I am tapping into my own innate wisdom and intuition. One step at a time. One day at a time.

Building a business from the heart means building a business from the feminine essence of grace and from ebbing and flowing with our natural selves.
I'm in the flow. 
And being in the flow means that I am being challenged and pushed to the core of my inner knowing on an almost daily basis. However, being in the flow means that I am also trusting beyond what I considered to be the limits of my own ability to 'trust'. In these moments, I find the heart and the voice of the business that wishes to be born. 

As I sit here writing this, I can feel the emotions rising - the clarion call of asking you to trust more than ever before in what it is that you are wishing to create and to bring forth into the world. 

When we create from the heart, the vision becomes clearer.
When we ask questions from the heart, the signposts are ever more obvious.

When you build a business from this place you are not alone. And yes, I am referring to the wealth of support that comes from the Universe in its many different guises but more than that, I am talking about the support that comes from people around you. Since the conception of Infinite Essence and its gentle birthing, more and more people are coming into my life supporting me and co-creating with me to make this a reality. When you are in your heart, people simply feel and understand what you are doing. They may not be fully aligned with your vision or even the particular business you are designing and manifesting, and that is okay but they "get" it. This is because you are vibrating at the level of your heart.

And so I will continue to create this business of mine from this place and share the journey with you. It is a journey of discovery, of remembering, of deep inner knowing and trust. And in those moments, when I think I have everything covered, I push myself a little deeper. I listen to the voices of those around me suggesting that I need a Business Structure and a Business Plan and I explore those areas with heart and an openness. If my heart responds willingly and feels expansive then I will continue. If it feels constrictive and not aligned then I will graciously say thank you and let them know that it simply won't work for me doing it that way. A caveat to this is that it is important to explore and push your boundaries as I did yesterday to know ever more deeply and intimately what it is that YOUR heart wishes to share with the world and how YOUR heart wishes to create it.

Until the next time..... 

With love always,