My intention with this blog is to share my truths and to be open and honest with my thoughts and feelings...
I truly welcome your comments and feedback. I would ask you to be mindful of the fact that I am simply speaking from my heart and I would ask that people who choose to comment and join any discussions do the same.
My intent by sharing my story and reflections is to support others on their unique journey and to offer what I have learnt along the way.
I am more than happy to be challenged on anything that I might post but I would ask that you do it from a place of love as I will do with each of my blog posts....

All that leaves me to say, is that I am very much looking forward to connecting with you over the coming weeks and months.....

In love......

Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Not where you hoped you would be?! What if you are exactly where you need to be?!

Is it me or are we still on a rollercoaster of thrills and spills...

It's coming up to one year on since I was divinely guided to create a foundation and framework for my lifetime's work to come through. 
November 2015, I channelled 8 intentions that were to be created into natural perfumes based upon plant essential oils. Little did I know where I would be this time one year on.

I've flowed with my life in ways that I've never experienced before. I've faltered countless times. I've enjoyed synchronicities beyond my wildest imaginings. I've come up against stumbling blocks that felt insurmountable at times and yet my mission lodged so firmly in my heart, remained true. 

As I write I am reminded of how I felt all those months ago - that I knew without a doubt, that I was being asked to create and bring through that which has the potential to raise global awareness, that which has the potential to reconnect millions to their truth and ultimately to remember the fullness of the essence of who they are at their very core. 

Having such a mission does not come without questions and doubts. This year has been a year of deep and persistent and indeed insistent, inner work. It has been a year of realising that in order to create a sustainable global business, the foundations have to be deep. The foundations have to be strong. 

So, what is the purpose of this blog. It is an opportunity for me to stand still and take stock of all that has been accomplished. I'm not where I wanted to be. I wanted to launch the business with bells and whistles by the end of this year. Where I am, however, is exactly where I need to be. 

The impulse to write, therefore, is also about encouraging those who may be on a similar path, who had hoped to be further forward in their endeavours, who may have hoped to be reaping the rewards of their mission and service to humanity, to stop, take stock and to be grateful for all of the things that have taken place this year. For there will be countless moments and conversations and people to be grateful for. 

I set out to build a business created from the heart with purity and integrity at its very core and I have achieved that. It may not yet look as I had wished it too one year on but it feels exactly the way that I want it to. It is full of heart and expression, innocence and grace. And it will continue to grow in this way. 

I often refer to the way that a diamond comes into being and true clarity and brilliance comes from the depths and is formed out of pressure. Building a business, in my humble experience, is no different. At least a business that is strong, full of light and unmistakable. 

In a previous blog I recall saying that I wished the building of this business to be as much an inspiration to others as the actual business itself. I realise that for me I am inspired most by people who are real about where they are at. Real does not mean getting down and dirty and intimate with the story but with being honest and open about the challenges as much as the pitfalls. Do we not learn more this way? Do we not feel more akin to others? Do we feel less alone? It feels far more important to me to share my frustrations and enquiries than simply showing the shiny final product. 

Life is messy. Creating a heart centred business and mission is messy. Emotions and self worth come into play. Lord knows, planetary alignments and energies have played their part too this year. There is much that is taking place, both that we are aware of on a global scale, and that which goes unseen but perhaps felt on a multi dimensional level. I have never pretended to have all the answers or to understand everything that is playing out but what I do have is integrity and trust and an unquenchable thirst to learn, to grow, to thrive and to serve. 

And this blog is my way of continuing that service even though I am not exactly where I wanted to be right now. So, I say to you (as much as to myself).... 

Take time to honour you right where you are.
Take time to look back over the last year and look at the learnings and the gifts.
Place your hand on your heart and know that you are doing the very best you can with the knowledge that you have at your disposal.
You are a beautiful and divine being whose heart can move mountains, it may just take a little time and that's okay. In fact, its more than okay... its all in perfect and divine order. 
Take a look in the mirror and say to yourself with heartfelt honesty.... "You Got This".
And please, please, please keep trusting. 
And don't forget to ask for help once in a while!!
If you do this, your heart will guide you. That I know.

With love and blessings, always
Nikki x