My intention with this blog is to share my truths and to be open and honest with my thoughts and feelings...
I truly welcome your comments and feedback. I would ask you to be mindful of the fact that I am simply speaking from my heart and I would ask that people who choose to comment and join any discussions do the same.
My intent by sharing my story and reflections is to support others on their unique journey and to offer what I have learnt along the way.
I am more than happy to be challenged on anything that I might post but I would ask that you do it from a place of love as I will do with each of my blog posts....

All that leaves me to say, is that I am very much looking forward to connecting with you over the coming weeks and months.....

In love......

Saturday, 8 July 2017

From Pizza to Marriage in the blink of an eye.....

I was giggling to myself this morning as I noticed my mind wanting to do what it does so effortlessly.... and that is to create a story, a fantasy around something that I was desiring to happen.

In my experience (as a woman) we have this extraordinary capacity to create a whole living, breathing novel around what is taking place in our lives and what we (think) we desire to take place. One of the most amazing capacities that women have so naturally is an ability to web and weave the different strands of our lives. We can capture each emotion playing out in any different area and link them together. At times with great insight and wisdom and at other times.... we have created a very Dallas / Dynasty soap opera worthy of any television channel and likelihood is, it would make compelling watching and yet, is it real.

Ive written before about how necessary fantasy and dreaming and our imaginations are. Without my innate fortitude to dream up the fantastical, there are certain things in my life that may never have come to fruition. And as I have been noted to say more than once recently, if we can dream it up, imagine it, then it already exists and we have a choice as to whether that dream of the future becomes a piece of our current reality.

There is a whole other blog here about timelines and shifting timelines and our human experience being circular rather than linear.... literally meaning that the past, present, and future all exist in the now moment.

However, for now I want to stay with this idea of us creating a story. There is nothing intrinsically wrong with the creation of the story. To desire or to feel that you would like a particular outcome rests within the realms of setting intentions and being in the energy of what you would you like to manifest in your life.

Where we come unstuck and the web becomes something more akin to a tangled ball of string is when we don't express or communicate it and expect the other person to be on the same page of our ever expanding novel and to expect that person to also feel the same.

When we don't communicate it - we enter the realms of potentially and most likely being disappointed when it does not take place. It can then feed our insecurities and so on and so forth.

So, what is the alternative?!
An act of the utmost courage. And to be courageous means being utterly vulnerable.

When we dare to be vulnerable and share the dream of what we desire with another person, my experience recently is that it automatically dissipates the energy of the fantasy and I am no longer attached to whether it takes place or not. When we speak our truth and it is a truth of our heart in that moment, it can land and be received. The person then knows exactly what you are thinking and how you are feeling and can respond from their truth.

This morning whilst I was giggling to myself, upon sharing such a desire with someone, I realised that it created something even more expansive and a knowing that even if it did not happen in the way I visualised, two other choices became immediately apparent. The first and most important is that I was able to relax back into myself, knowing that I did not need anything from anyone else. I already had all that I needed within myself. The second was that it opened up a dialogue where it was possible to meet in the present moment and be with the truth of both person's involved. And in that moment, there is absolutely nowhere else I would rather have been because we were two people being utterly present to the 'being-ness' in each other.

My invitation to you, therefore, is this.... find the courage in your heart to keep on dreaming and visualising and imagining and then dare to be vulnerable and communicate it. You might just find that what you receive is greater than the dream itself.

With all of this playing out so beautifully this morning and leaving me with a smile both on my face and my heart, I wandered down to the beach to find a busker playing this song..... "Jessie - Joshua Kadison"

"Ill love you in the sunshine
Lay you down in the warm, white sand
And who knows maybe this time
This will turn out just the way you planned

Jessie paint your pictures
About how it's gonna be
By now I should know better
Your dreams are never free
But tell me all about our little trailer by the sea
Oh Jessie you can always sell any dream to me"

Dare to dream but be very careful not to put a price on it for the cost will always be too dear.....

With love and blessings always
Nikki xxx

ps. I was not thinking about pizza or marriage, just for the record.