My intention with this blog is to share my truths and to be open and honest with my thoughts and feelings...
I truly welcome your comments and feedback. I would ask you to be mindful of the fact that I am simply speaking from my heart and I would ask that people who choose to comment and join any discussions do the same.
My intent by sharing my story and reflections is to support others on their unique journey and to offer what I have learnt along the way.
I am more than happy to be challenged on anything that I might post but I would ask that you do it from a place of love as I will do with each of my blog posts....

All that leaves me to say, is that I am very much looking forward to connecting with you over the coming weeks and months.....

In love......

Thursday, 7 March 2013

Doorways and Hallways....

"When one door closes another one opens....." 
~Alexander Graham Bell~

This quote goes on to say that often we spend so long looking at the closed door that we do not see the one that has opened in front of us.....
I have always loved this quote and yet it strikes me that if we do not see the open door, we are not necessarily aware that we have missed the opportunity except that we remain where we were, likely in an uncomfortable place or one that we wish would change.

On further reflection on this quote, it would seem pertinent to suggest that what is even worse is that we see an open door but we wait for someone else to take our hand and guide us through. Or we wait for someone else to drag us kicking and screaming through the door or to give us a gentle / hefty (delete as appropriate) kick up the derriere and launch us through the door.

Would any of these options give us the satisfaction that we are clearly looking for by seeking a new opportunity - looking for that open doorway?! I can be fairly certain that the initial joy of reaching the other side would be short lived and we'd soon be looking for another doorway to give us what we were looking for in the first place.

Forgive me if I am talking too much in metaphor.....

I had the opportunity to do a radio interview this week about my work and my message and one of the most important messages that I wish to share at the moment relates to the metaphorical splurge above.

We are living in very interesting times on an individual and global scale... and what is becoming more and more apparent to me is that there is an increasing number of teachers out there offering their support and guidance on how best to navigate our own personal trials and also how to navigate the global issues that are self evident. So, who do you follow? Whose advice and guidance do you seek? Who do you believe? Who do you trust? Who's telling the truth? Who is going to best help you in your particular personal dilemma, whatever that might be?

When you are in that dark hallway with the closed door behind you and the open doorway in front of you and you are alone, who do you ask about what should be your next move? There are no other ways out and there is no way that anyone else can find you in this hallway. What do you do?
Do you sit waiting and praying that someone will find you?
Do you re-enter the darkness to try and find the door through which you came?
Or do you start to trust the voice of intuition? Do you start to hear the voice of your heart and your head urging you to step towards the open door? What's the worst that can happen?
How would it feel to walk through that open doorway unaided into a new and exciting and vibrant opportunity?!

Let me make something extraordinarily clear.. I am in no way, shape or form suggesting that all those beautiful teachers and souls out there who are doing amazing work are superfluous to our requirements... quite the contrary. However, what I am saying is that as individuals we need to use discernment in our choice of which teachers we feel aligned to and whose message we resonate with. There is no right or wrong answer here.

I know I am not the only one in the field of personal development who spent many years going to as many workshops and different programmes as possible in order to "find myself"... trouble is that in an effort to find myself in amongst the multitude of different teachings I was hearing, I actually lost a sense of my truth, my awareness and most importantly my intuition. This was not down to the teachers or the courses but down to my desire to find myself. In hindsight, some of my time would have been better placed being still and with myself. Being with me and my intuition and my own inner guidance.  When we have a better understanding of ourselves and a deep awareness of who we are, then we can make a conscious decision to take on board what a teacher has said or disregard it as not important to us, as an individual.

So, in essence, what I am encouraging you to do.... is to become more deeply aware and aligned to who you are. Spend time with yourself, listening to your own inner voice and time listening to the needs of your body and mind for they are unique to you.

Then when a teacher, guide, coach, mentor, friend shows you an open door of opportunity... you have everything within you to make the choice to step through on your own, should you choose to do so.

The most important relationship we have is with ourselves....
Listen, learn and love.....

As always, shared with love

Nikola xx

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