My intention with this blog is to share my truths and to be open and honest with my thoughts and feelings...
I truly welcome your comments and feedback. I would ask you to be mindful of the fact that I am simply speaking from my heart and I would ask that people who choose to comment and join any discussions do the same.
My intent by sharing my story and reflections is to support others on their unique journey and to offer what I have learnt along the way.
I am more than happy to be challenged on anything that I might post but I would ask that you do it from a place of love as I will do with each of my blog posts....

All that leaves me to say, is that I am very much looking forward to connecting with you over the coming weeks and months.....

In love......

Saturday, 27 June 2015

Come on a run with me….

This morning whilst writing my morning pages, I noticed the urge within my body to get out of the house and go for a run… I had a choice to finish my pages or get up and go. I have committed to 'myself' to engage in the morning pages practice again so I completed my three pages and headed out the door…. 

Making step by step choices
Almost immediately it became apparent that though my body was keen to get out for a run my energy levels were not at their peak for a long hill run. Again, I had a choice in the moment - to push on through and probably feel slightly vitriolic or listen to my energy speaking to me and engage in a slightly shorter run, knowing that I would not feel completely replete and would be able to focus on the other things I wanted to get done during the day. 

Is it time to push on through or stand still?
As I started running up the first hill, it struck me that just a couple of days previously I had made it up the incline with very little effort and had felt like a gazelle (well, almost) and yet today it was taking every piece of willpower to place one foot in front of the other. The ground felt more uneven, the brambles more unwilling to let me pass and my body definitely feeling heavier. So in these moments, do we push on through, do we stop. I don't necessarily think there is a right or wrong answer to this - whatever we do it will gift us something in terms of experience and learning. What I do think is important in these moments is that we listen to ourselves a little more intently and a little more keenly. It may just be that there is a voice calling to us to that we are not hearing because we are over riding it with our stubbornness and willpower and strength. I might just add that I have these traits in abundance and am not saying that they are not great traits of my personality - they serve me well. (Mostly)

I did push on up the hill without stopping and my mind felt great for it. The softer side of my being that wanted to stop and lie down in a nurturing and held fashion by the Universe was sitting on my shoulder giving me that, 'hmmm…..were you really listening to yourself look?'. I have promised her that I will do just this later on today and give her the space and stillness that she deserves. 

Are you listening and hearing?
The other piece that struck me whilst I was running, aside from the fact I seem to get a lot of insights whilst running… heck I hope that doesn't mean I have to do more of it… is that whilst we are listening intently we may not always be aware of all that is going on within our bodies. And when I refer to bodies here, I am talking about the physical body, but I am also talking about the mental, emotional and spiritual bodies too. Given that I was unable to run up the hill in a gazelle like fashion this morning, it got me to thinking that there was probably a deep processing that took place in my body or bodies yesterday that I was unaware of. It feels important to share at this juncture that there are a lot of energies at play out there in the Universe, perhaps more than ever before, as others are currently sharing. We are upgrading and transmuting energies and growing at a faster rate than ever before (perhaps). Our bodies are working hard for us a lot of the time with simple tasks such as digesting our food etc but they are also working tirelessly with us on our energetic journey through life.

Perhaps now is a time to honour our bodies and what they are doing for us more than ever before even if we can't put words to everything that is occurring, we can get closer to how we are feeling if we not only listen, but hear what is being shared with us.

What is your approach to others and where is your energy body?
Anyway, I was not home yet so there was more running to do and insights to glean. On the other side of the hill and on my way back down I run through a field of cows. I'm always caught between wondering who would win in a race across the field, though I am happy to report that I have not been chased by them to date. On my last venture I was clearly more scary than them and spooked a number of them into jumping the brook to the safety of the other side of the field. This morning I chose a different approach. Before entering the field I made sure that my energy body was firmly inside of myself and let the cows know energetically that I was simply going to bypass them without disturbing or upsetting them and imagined that I could run past like a gentle whisper. Well, it seemed to work… the cows remained unaffected by my presence and whilst a couple looked up, they seemed curious rather than frightened. 

Begs the question how we approach all others in our life - where are we placing our energy and our intentions… interesting and fun to play around with. We all have very different boundaries within each of our energy bodies and knowing where they are can be key in how we relate to others. It can also be fundamental in understanding why we may affect others and how they may affect us, especially unconsciously.

How hard are your bodies working to keep you in balance?
As I made my way down the hill, nearing the home straight, I could feel myself speeding up - partly out of gravity being on my side and partly out of wanting to run faster as my uphill had felt a little slow and cumbersome (though clearly full of insights) and yet the ground still had other ideas for me. It was particularly rocky and uneven on my descent and after a couple of stumbles and wobbly ankle moments, I reluctantly slowed down, for which my energy was grateful and so was my body. Sometimes in life we simply have to slow down to speed up. If we run too fast and headlong into something we may not see all that is under our feet and may miss some of the vital learning's along the way. In slowing down - I realised just how hard my core was working to keep me in balance. Great to know that my body was working with me - if I had overridden it, it may not have been able to continue supporting me and it may have resulted in a grazed knee or twisted ankle. How hard are the different parts of you working to keep you in balance? Give them a chance to look after you. Allow integration to take place. 

You'll be pleased to know that I did allow myself to speed up along the road so that I could get back and write to you…. 

Now I give myself permission to go and have a shower.

Whatever your form of running might be - allow the insights to flow today - you might just surprise yourself.

With love and blessings, 
Nikola x

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