It feels pertinent to write this blog. As I alluded to in my last blog, I was in the middle of quite a tough "Lesson in Love" and I wanted to share the outcome as I now find myself in clear space and air and am able to see all the gifts that were bestowed upon me during the last five months.
I met someone with whom I shared an incredible connection and he gifted me the opportunity to open my heart, to be vulnerable and to truly love for the first time in my life.
Let me try and qualify that for you...
Within those five months, I had a greater capacity to be open, patient, understanding, compassionate and loving than I have ever experienced in my life previously. What is interesting is that if I were to regail you with anecdotes of the ridiculousness of the situation, the un-truths that were told, the lack of return on my investment, I am sure many of you would question my sanity. You might label it as unrequited love or question why I would choose to give of my time, my energy, my love, when it simply could not or would not be returned.
The reason is this.... not once did I lose respect or love for myself. This man came into my life for a reason. He taught me that I could love unconditionally. I did not allow the situation to have me question my own ability to be honest or open. I did not fall back into old patterns of behaviour of feeling neglected, unworthy or abandoned. I remained in total and absolute love for myself. I made that choice. Something I have never been able to do with another person before. Don't get me wrong, at times I faltered but I knew that if I want to experience the kind of relationship I believe I can and deserve then I had to stay unconditionally in love with me.
So you see, whilst this relationship is now not destined to be as I at first may have hoped, I have not lost anything. In fact, I have gained more than I could possibly have imagined. Not least, the courage of my own convictions that I have an enormous capacity to love, be honest, to be open and to be true to me and to others.
When I meet someone who has the capacity to do the same for me, I know now that I am able to receive that love simply because I can hold that love and that space for myself. I no longer need someone to complete me or to fill the emptiness within my heart because my heart is already full.
I would like you to spend some time thinking about your own life. Similarly, it may be in your most intimate realtionship. It may, however, be a friendship or with a family member. It may be with work colleagues. Are you being all that you can be and all that you already are in those relationships?! Are you able to love and be open and honest without fear of rejection? Is the relationship balanced? Does it bring you love without you needing to ask for it?
It may well be that the relationship you are experiencing is simply a life lesson, as mine above. Are you able to learn it from a place of heart-centredness? With love and without judgement. It is not always easy to do as we have so many learned triggers, especially where matters of the heart are concerned.
If you are able to stay within the lesson and remain at peace and with love for yourself until you sense the lesson has been learned, that is wonderful. If the lesson simply brings you pain or anguish or hurt, and you are unable to stay in a heart centred space then maybe you need to check in with yourself as to whether this is the most appropriate lesson for you right now. How easily are you able to see the value in what is being shown to you?! Be gentle, loving and compassionate with yourself.
What I do know, is that truly having loved.... I have created the space for someone to love me in the way I deserve. Truthfully, openly, honestly, with vulnerability and strength and with compassion and respect.
And with the biggest smile on my face, with no sense of loss or remorse, I can say to the Universe, bring it on....... BRING ON THE FIREWORKS......
Can You?!
Be the love that you wish to receive from others......
With love and fireworks,
Nikola xx
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