The information I am about to share with you is not my own - I am no Scientist. However, when I read what I am about to share with you, I intuitively knew that it had huge relevance to me and how I felt and how it would help me move forwards. Therefore, I trust that it too can help you.
I also want to say here how important intuition is when we are healing our own bodies. If we can get to a place of really listening deeply to what our bodies are telling us then we have a fighting chance of changing that which no longer serves us. I fundamentally believe that the body has the ability and capacity to be 100% healthy. Again, this will be challenging for people to read who have suffered with dis-ease throughout their lives. However, if I did not believe this, then I would not believe that we have the capacity to change anything in our lives. And yet, I believe that we have the capacity to change absolutely anything and everything we choose.
So, let me pose a question to you? How well do you know your own body? How often to do you truly listen to what it is telling you? Do you give it the love and the nurture it so deserves? It carries you and your feelings and thoughts around on a daily basis... how often do you thank it for doing so. Trust your intuition and let your body tell you what it needs, right now.
If you are unsure, then go and spend some time outside - rain or shine. Walk barefoot on the grass. This might seem somewhat ridiculous, however, our body works in rythmn with nature. More so than perhaps most of us take the time to recognise. How often does going for a walk by the sea, or taking in the mountain air make us feel better... and if you do not have the sea or a mountain range at the bottom of your garden - find your nearest park and simply go and breathe in the air and feel the earth beneath your feet.
I digress.... so, back to the Science.
Our bodies are 70% water and in order for our bodies to operate at full capacity we need to be fully hydrated. The majority of dis-ease in the body occurs when the body is no longer fully hydrated. We have been reading for years how important it is to take on at least 8 glasses of water a day but how many of us really understand why or make the connection between how we feel on a deep level with how hydrated we are.
Let's take this one step further and see how this potentially relates to depression. There are four main electrolytes in the body; sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium. These electrolytes charge the body by charging the water within our bodies and dependent upon the actual charge they are carrying, they move water in and around the body. Sodium and Calcium always partner together and their natural position is outside the cell. However, during the daytime, when the sun is dominant over the moon, we are in active mode and it is light, a significant amount of that sodium and calcium pass through the cell membrane and into the cell. The sodium displaces potassium and the calcium displaces the magnesium. During the hours of darkness, this whole process is reversed. If this process completes then you have the perfect exchange of electrolytes. These electrolytes also hold negative and positive charge and take light into and out of the cells. In a fully hydrated person, light enters the cells during daylight and leaves the cells at nightime... in perfect harmony with nature.
This process, however, becomes disrupted in a person who is not fully hydrated. In the case of depression, it is likely that the correct exchange of electrolytes and their positive and negative charge are not fully functioning at their optimum level. If light is not being absorbed back into the cells then we remain in a 'literal' state of darkness.
We all know how much better we feel when the days are longer and we have more light, or how much better we feel when we are outside in the sun absorbing light and energy. However, this is a temporary fix for those who suffer with depression. What we absolutely need to do is to address what is happening at the absolute core of our being....
As always, with love and light
Nikola xx
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